Welcome to the fastest growing amateur homemade porn site on the net where sexy amateur couples from all over the world exchange and submit their homemade porn movies. AHVC is not merely a homema... |
We went live and out of beta 1/01/2012 and having been kicking ass and growing ever since. |
There are too many things to list, the best way to see what makes us different is to start posting and experience AHVC for yourself. |
In this page we will try to clarify what our site is and explain some of our recent decisions you may be wondering about.
Our goals and how we are different
We strive to be the biggest amate... |
Actually the answer is yes and no. Let me explain for people that contribute, there are two ways the site is completely free.
We make you a contributor, once we hit our max. number of contributors ... |
First off there is only one ADULTHOMEVIDEOCLIPS.COM , second no sites on the internet can survive for any long period of time by give away something free that cost them money. Either they will have to... |
The longer videos are reserved for Premium members, you can become a premuim member by:
Becoming a contributor (we offer to some select members)
Upload enough content and earn KinkyKash, then rede... |
It's not mandatory to become a member of AHVC but it is highly recommended to fully take part in the community! By becoming a member you will have more features available such as comment on conte... |
Under no circumstances is the posting, or even mentioning of other web sites allowed on AHVC. Our sponsors,... |
It's always a good idea to start with the check out the knowledgebase first for possible answers and resolutions before submitting a ticket. If you can't find your answer or you still need t... |
KinkyPeepz.com is an online service provider as defined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. We provide copyright owners with the ability to self-publish on KinkyPeepz.com by uploading, storing an... |
No we don’t publish email addresses anywhere at KinkyPeepz |
YES!! everything you ever said, posted, uploaded, commented, voted etc at kinkypeepz.com is gone and deleted from our servers and databases |
We’re sorry, but once your account is deleted we have nothing to restore anymore, as everything is removed from our servers. You’re more then welcome though to create a new account and enj... |
Everyday we get quite a few posts with guys uploading pics or a movie of just their penis. Unfortunately we can’t accept these. Here’s why: 1. We have more male then female members, 2. Som... |
There are several ways, the most effective way is to upload great stuff ;-) Then responding to comments from others help a lot too. The more active you are, the more views you will have. |
Our pictures get watermarked, so we don't allow email addresses or URLs on pictures. |
At a loss for words? No matter how witty, smart and sexy you are in person, it’s not always easy to come across that way in an email message. But if you take the time to plan your prose, you&rsq... |
By uploading to KinkyPeepz you are agreeing to the following:
You are the rightful owner of the upload and all those depicted are of legal age and consenting adults.
Any copyright you may own... |
Online Safety Tips
Protect your finances Ignore any request to send money, especially overseas or by wire transfer, and report it to us immediately – even if the person claims to be in an emerg... |
Who are swingers, what is swinging, and what can you expect from a website like AHVC?
To answer this question, we have to answer a few other ones.....
In order to understand the answer to the quest... |
Digital Millennium Copyright Act
This policy is intended to implement the procedures set forth in 17 U.S.C. Section 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") for the reporting of alleged ... |