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Knowledgebase is a categorized collection of answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and articles. You can read articles in this category or select a subcategory that you are interested in.  

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Online Safety Tips
Is Adult Home Video Clips a Swingers site?
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How can I cancel my subscription?
What is a Premium Membership?
Will you ever send me anything to my billing address?
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I know my username and password, but I can't log in?
Which browsers is the site compatible with?
How do I cancel my account and/or delete my uploads?
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What is KinkyKa$h?
Can I purchase a premium membership for another member with my KinkyKa$h?
What does pending KinkyKa$h mean?
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My Account
How do I close my AHVC account?
How can I change my username?
If I close my account, can it be reinstated afterwards?
Uploading Rules
Photo Submissions-What are Albums?
One or more of my submissions were rejected. Why?
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Verified Member
How do I get Verified?
What is Verified?
How come I didn't get Verified?
Video Chat
Why was I banned from the chat room?
How long will my chat room ban last?
Why was I kicked from the chat room?
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Friends, Favorites
Will the other member be notified if I deny a friendship?
How do I add a submission to my favorites?
How do I request a friendship with a member?
Contest Rules

» Articles in this category:

I've lost my Username/Password, what now? Article rated 4.6/5.0
Don't worry. This problem can be easily solved if you enter your email address and the name of the site you became a member of. You will get your Username/Password on your email then.
What quality are the videos? Article rated 4.6/5.0
Our videos are of various qualities to suit different types of internet connections starting from dial-up to high speed broadband connection. Whatever connection you have you may be sure you will find...
I am logging on to the site but am unable to view anything? Article rated 5.0/5.0
Do you have a firewall on your computer? Turn it off for a while! It can block your access to some sites so that even if you are logging on to the site you can't view anything there. Firewall can also...

» Top Knowledgebase articles: Views
 How do I close my AHVC account? 589
 I know my username and password, but I can't log in? 417
 When ADULTHOMEVIDEOCLIPS.COM did go live? 322
 Online Safety Tips 250
 Is Adult Home Video Clips a Swingers site? 221
 Digital Millennium Copyright Act 210
» Latest Knowledgebase articles: Date added
 Digital Millennium Copyright Act 2013-04-06 17:08:12
 Is Adult Home Video Clips a Swingers site? 2013-03-21 08:25:59
 Online Safety Tips 2013-03-19 10:48:44
 iOS compatibility 2013-02-16 16:31:49
 What are the terms and conditions for uploading? 2013-01-20 11:58:11
 Upload Tips 2013-01-16 07:39:39